Beyond The Kitchen — dream big

What a YEAR - What a YEAR to COME in 2022!

What a YEAR!  In 2021, We Introduced ALEXANDRA’S PIKLIZ, Spicy Pepper Relish, Created Our Website - IN THE KITCHEN WITH ALEXANDRA.COM, Launched and Successfully Funded the KICKSTARTER Campaign, and WERE IN AWE as we HELD OUR JARS in Hand for the First Time. One Can Only Imagine… What a YEAR to COME in 2022! As I think about 2021, and desiring to launch Alexandra’s Pikliz, I think it’s been a whirlwind! We are truly humbled by the support and encouragement of family, friends, and new customers. Thank you!I’m never more delighted than when someone says to me, “I put pikliz...

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